Jake's Story


"Jake" is participating in Life Forward's Momentum parenting education sessions along with his girlfriend "Kathy". While this was an unplanned pregnancy, they are now both excited about the arrival of their son in July. During a recent session, Jake shared about some ongoing challenges in their extended family. The team at Life Forward encouraged him to pray about these difficult circumstances. Jake said he definitely wanted to improve his prayer life. At the end of the session Jake prayed aloud and said afterwards, "that's the first time I've prayed in a long time." He's beginning to understand how prayer can deepen his understanding of God and help him to be a better dad.

While we continue to witness a fatherlessness crisis among our clients, Life Forward is grateful for the opportunity to encourage men like Jake to grow in faith and as fathers. Thank you for partnering with us to help dads and moms to make life-affirming decisions through God's love!