Christina's Story


“Christina” first came to Life Forward’s Clifton Center for a pregnancy test and ultrasound. Hannah Dell, our sonographer and Client Services Team member, had a chance to talk with Christina and learn more about her story. She was struggling with forgiving herself for her past sins. She wanted to follow God and start attending church again. Hannah shared the Gospel and Christina was open to the message of Good News and salvation for her life.

Hannah shares, “I challenged her to pray right then and ask God for help. Christina expressed that, while she prayed frequently, she was unsure of how to do it and didn’t know if she was doing it correctly.” Hannah explained that prayer can be just like talking with another person. Christina stepped out in faith and prayed for herself and her circumstances. After praying, Christina thanked Hannah for encouraging her to offer her heart and her burdens to God in this way.

At the end of their time together, Hannah reports that Christina walked away from her experience at Life Forward “encouraged and strengthened.” Hannah goes on to say, “That is what our goal is, to give women the tools they need to live a full life—physically, emotionally and spiritually.”

Please pray for Hannah in her ministry and for Christina as she seeks to follow God’s path.