Sarah's Story


When “Sarah” came to Life Forward’s Clifton Center, she made it clear to the staff that she didn’t believe in God. She also was disappointed that she was pregnant because she liked her life the way it was. Yet, she seemed to think that maybe her pregnancy was a part of a larger plan.

I prayed about how I could share the Gospel with her. As we watched the baby on the ultrasound monitor, she was surprised by what she saw. Then all of a sudden, she shared a personal story about forgiveness, restoration and redemption in her family. We talked about how freeing all of those things are and I encouraged her to continue to explore what that story meant to her and how it impacted her life.

At the end of her appointment, she allowed the staff to pray with her. She left thanking us and praising Life Forward for the services we provide.

Thank you for your support that helps women like Sarah and their families make life-affirming decisions through God’s love.                                   

Melissa Guzman, RN, Client Services Director