Alicia's Story


"Alicia" came in for an appointment at Life Forward's Springdale location. She was very upfront with Melissa, Life Forward's Client Services Director, that she was determined to have an abortion. In her mind, this was bad timing in her life to have a baby.

Melissa prayed for Alicia as she began the ultrasound procedure. She prayed that Alicia's heart would be changed about ending her baby's life and that the Holy Spirit would do a work in their time together.

Melissa looked up at the screen and saw that Alicia was pregnant with twins. She invited Alicia to look up at the screen to see her two babies. Alicia was so surprised, she sat straight up on the exam table and said, "Look! There are two of them! They're my babies! I can't have an abortion now."

Alicia then continued in her excitement and pulled out her phone and began to Facetime with her husband who was also very excited about having twins. She left that day thanking Melissa for helping her and for allowing her to see her two new babies.

We never know how the Holy Spirit is going to work in this ministry. Clients like Alicia connect with Life Forward every day thinking that their minds are made up about having an abortion. We are grateful that God has blessed us with tools like ultrasound to help women and their families make life-affirming decisions through God's love.