Free Pregnancy Test


Are you wondering if you’re pregnant?  Having confirmation of pregnancy, such as through a pregnancy test offered by a medical facility, can be an important as you consider your next steps. There are several ways that health care facilities can help determine if you’re pregnant.   

Life Forward is a pregnancy medical clinic with locations around Cincinnati. We offer many services to women who are pregnant or think they may be pregnant.  One of these services includes a free pregnancy test. In many cases we can continue to verify pregnancy through our 3D/4D Ultrasound machine, which also will help give indications as to whether your pregnancy is viable.  A viable pregnancy is one where a women is pregnant and the baby is meeting growth indicators.  All of Life Forward’s services come at no cost to our clients, regardless of financial need

 The pregnancy test Life Forward uses is extremely accurate. Pregnancy tests work by looking for a specific hormone in urine. This hormone is only produced when someone is pregnant.  It may be easier to determine pregnancy the longer you’ve been pregnant as more amounts of the hormone is present in your system. 

 Not only do we offer free testing, but we want to help advocate for you and your needs.  Life Forward is able to connect you with many other resources that will help you, such as for housing, medical care, education and financial need.  At Life Forward, we work with your unique circumstances to help you make informed and educated decisions. 

 Learn more about Life Forward and our free pregnancy test by visiting our website. If you think you may be pregnant or are curious about your options, we have answers to common questions.