Cassandra's Story


“I was feeling a lot of stress when I found out I was pregnant. I was so overwhelmed and ashamed, I didn’t feel like I could even call Life Forward for help. I visited their website and I was relieved that I could make an appointment right from my phone.
When I arrived for my appointment, the Life Forward staff were kind and patient with me. I was really impressed by the pictures they showed me on the ultrasound machine. Life Forward is a really cool place.
I’m looking forward to starting parenting  classes at Life Forward soon. I’m still feeling stressed when I think about my new responsibilities as a parent, but I know that Life Forward is here to help me be the best mom I can be to my daughter.”

- “Cassandra” 

Clients like Cassandra often come to Life Forward in crisis and we respond to their immediate needs with services such as pregnancy tests and the latest ultrasound technology that offers women vibrant 3D/4D images of their first trimester babies.

Life Forward is also committed to building long-term relationships with the women and families we serve. We understand that it takes time to gain their trust. That’s why we place a high value on staying in touch. We make follow-up calls to let them know we care about them. We also invite clients to participate in group parenting classes where they can connect with others who are going through similar experiences. Additionally, we offer one-on-one mentoring classes that are personalized to their individual needs.
Because of your generous gifts, Life Forward is able to provide ongoing physical, emotional and spiritual support that women and their families need as they continue on their journeys. Thank you!