Emani's Story


When I first found out I was pregnant, I viewed it as a burden. I was scared. I asked God, “Why did you do this? Why did you give me a baby?” The first thing on my mind was abortion.

I first heard about Life Forward from my sister. I told her I was pregnant and she said, “You need to go to Life Forward.” I asked her, “Why Life Forward?” She said, “When you get there, you’ll know.”

My first visit was amazing. I got an ultrasound. She explained to me, “Hey, this is what’s going on and this is who you have inside you.” Before that, no one referred to my child as a person. So, that gave me the answer I was looking for. My daughter was given to me by God for me.

I knew right away that Life Forward was going to change my life. To be able to talk with someone about being a parent was very helpful. If you want to know about how to put your baby into a car seat or how to read the Bible, they’ll teach you.

When I first came to Life Forward, I had no faith and now it is my purpose. I found out who God is and I found out that all I needed is Him.

Thank you for your support of Life Forward that continues to help moms like me.