Michael's Story


“Could we come in to talk?” “Michael’s” call to Life Forward came several months after his first visit with his girlfriend. He now was a father struggling with how this new role would impact his life. “I remembered you told us we could reach out to you for prayer and support.”

When the couple met with Lawanda, Life Forward’s Clifton Center Director, Michael began to share his struggles. He’d previously committed his life to Christ but wasn’t currently walking with God. He shared that his dad was not a part of his life and he “wanted to do better for his daughter.”

Building upon the foundation of parenting education he received at Life Forward, Michael enrolled in fatherhood classes and is focused on becoming a more responsible, committed and nurturing dad. Lawanda shares, “There have been many ups and downs in his relationship with his girlfriend, but it’s been encouraging to see Michael grow and strive to be a good father.”

Michael is a great example of a father who recognizes he needs help. Cincinnati faces a serious crisis of absentee fathers. According to a 2016 US Census Bureau report, nearly 12,000 children are growing up without a father at home in our city. Studies have shown that children who grow up without a father present in their lives are 5 times more likely to live in poverty and commit crime. They are 9 times more likely to drop out of school and 20 times more likely to end up in prison.

Many men learn that they are going to be fathers for the first time at Life Forward and we are there to support and share the love of Jesus with them. Thank you for partnering with us as we seek to impact Cincinnati by encouraging positive faithful fathers in our community.