Maria's Story


“Maria” first came to Life Forward through a referral from a health clinic in our area that offers services for women who only speak Spanish. Emily, one of Life Forward’s nurses who is fluent in Spanish, worked with Maria during her car seat safety class. As a first-time mom, Maria found the class to be extremely helpful in explaining the safety of car seats and the importance of installing them correctly. For many women like Maria who come from other countries, this is all new information, and many don’t have a frame of reference for the laws that govern car seat safety in the US.

When Maria came to pick up her car seat and other baby items, Emily encouraged her and talked with her about her spiritual life. By the time Maria left, she was smiling, and shared that she was thankful that she had found people who care for her and want her to succeed as a new mom.

Through Emily’s communication in Spanish as well as recently contracting with a professional translation service, Life Forward continues to expand our impact and services to women and families in our community for whom English is not their first language. We’re thankful for new and continued opportunities to help women and their families in our community