Pregnancy Symptoms


Do you think you might be pregnant? It can be difficult to tell the difference between pregnancy symptoms, pre-menstrual symptoms and those of illness. The earlier on your pregnancy is, It the harder it can be to tell. Thankfully, we’ve compiled a short list of pregnancy symptoms that will be able to help. This list does not account for all possible symptoms, but just common ones. If you’re still in doubt, please visit our website. Life Forward has numerous resources that can help you determine if you’re pregnant or figure out next steps if you are. 

Pregnancy symptoms will differ for each person. Some may appear while others will not. In addition, pregnancy symptoms may differ in severity. Common pregnancy symptoms include: 

  • A missed period is the most common and obvious pregnancy symptom. If your menstrual cycle is regular, then a missed period is a clear sign that you should get a pregnancy test, which Life Forward offers at no charge. However, since many women do not have a regular cycle, this symptom is by no means definitive. 

  • Nausea, also known as morning sickness, is another common pregnancy symptom. Many women experience nausea early in their pregnancy which may or may not include vomiting. 

  • Frequent urination is also a symptom of pregnancy. Increased blood in the body causes pregnant women to urinate more often. However, like these other symptoms, urination alone isn’t a definitive answer. 

 If you’re experiencing any of these common symptoms and have a reason to believe you may be pregnant, it is a good idea to seek out a pregnancy test through a qualified medical clinic. Life Forward offers many services to pregnant or potentially pregnant women free of charge. In addition, we have detailed, research-driven information about common pregnancy questions. Whether you’re newly pregnant, potentially pregnant, or well along in your term, Life Forward is here to help.