Destiny's Story


When I first came to Life Forward, I was scared and confused.  Earlier that day, I  went to a clinic with the money in hand for an abortion. But, they couldn’t do the procedure that day. As I was walking out, one of the ladies praying in front of the building talked with me and then walked me two blocks down the street to Life Forward. I can’t imagine how different my life would be today had I not made that decision to walk down the street to Life Forward.

Everyone at Life Forward helped me and didn’t judge me. They just loved me! They saw me right away even though I didn’t have an appointment. When they offered to pray with me, I knew I’d come to the right place.

Even though things have been really difficult since I gave birth to my daughter, God has provided for us. I have a job now and I’m attending a church. I don’t drink or smoke anymore. I don’t even hang out with the people I used to anymore. It feels good to be free from that lifestyle. He is changing me.

Your gifts allow our doors to be open to “walk-in” clients like “Destiny” when they most need help with no appointment necessary. Thank you!