Sophia's Story


I accepted Christ as a child and was raised in church, but as an adult, I had drifted from my faith.  When I first came to Life Forward, they talked with me about knowing God personally and what that meant.  They encouraged me to find a church and a small group of believers that I could do life with. Coming to Life Forward showed me some areas in my life that definitely needed to change.

One thing that really helped me to think more about some of those changes was the Upward parenting classes. I loved going. I took tons of notes at every session. The classes on relationships and character made me think in new ways about the kind of mom I wanted to be. Now I realize that it’s not just me that I need to work on. I also want to help my son to have a better life than I’ve known.

Thanks to Life Forward, I feel like my life is headed in a positive new direction.

Thank you for your generousity and for partnering with Life Forward to help women like “Sophia” and their families make life-affirming decisions through God’s love!