Sondra's Story


“Sondra” left her first appointment at Life Forward determined to move forward with an abortion. She didn’t feel like she had any other options. Her relationship with the baby’s father was not healthy. Her family could not be counted on for support. Her financial situation was not good. In Sondra’s eyes, abortion was really the only reasonable option.

Despite Sondra’s near certainty about having an abortion, Hannah, Life Forward’s Assistant Client Services Director and Sonographer, left the door open in case Sondra had a change of mind and heart. Hannah told Sondra that she was welcome to return to Life Forward for another appointment to receive a no-charge ultrasound procedure.

As soon at Sondra walked out the door, Hannah alerted the Life Forward prayer team about Sondra’s situation via text. Also, Hannah went to work assembling and mailing a care package for Sondra. Included in the care package was a note from Hannah letting her know that Life Foward cares about her and we were praying for her and again encouraging her to return for an ultrasound.

The good news is that Sondra’s relationship with Life Forward did not end there. Sondra called Hannah back. She thanked her for the care package and shared how much receiving it meant to her. She scheduled an appointment for an ultrasound where she saw her baby and heard her heartbeat for the first time. By the end of that second appointment, Sondra shared with Hannah that she wanted to continue with her pregnancy and to parent her baby. She was scared and wasn’t sure how everything was going to turn out. However, she was grateful that she didn’t feel completely alone anymore. Life Forward was there for her and with her along her journey.

The care Life Forward offers to women facing unplanned pregnancies continues beyond their first appointments. We pray for them. We encourage them. We listen to them. We offer them hope. We want them to know that their families and friends may give up on them, but Life Forward is available to support them no matter what their decisions are. More importantly, we want them to know that God has not and will not give up on them.

Thank you for your prayers and support that enables Life Forward to serve the “Sondras” of our community to change their minds and open their hearts to hope and life!